September 19, 2024
ribbed barnacles photo by joel wooster

If you are milling about the Plutonium Playhouse between shows this Fringe, do not miss stepping into the magical Studio B Space for Thom Fitzgerald’s site-specific theatrical treat, The Barnacle’s Tale. Much of this show’s charm and fun is in its mystique and the surprise of experiencing it, so I will not spoil that for you, but Ryan Doucette gives a hilarious performance as an endearing and immediately compelling Barnacle, looking, as most of us are, for something more than habitual existence. Fitzgerald has written a piece that is literate, oddly insightful, strange, ridiculous, very unique and fun. It is 15 minutes long, has been selling out repeatedly and after the Fringe is over the 2011 Atlantic Fringers are going to be divided into those who saw The Barnacle’s Tale and those who wish they had. Get your tickets soon.

The Barnacle’s Tale plays September 2nd-5th in between shows at the Plutonium Playhouse (2315 Hunter Street). $2.00. Only 10 seats available per show. No advanced sales. Come to the Plutonium Playhouse for tickets.