September 20, 2024

By Damien Atkins

Adam Brazier is a phenomenon. He is well known for his gentlemanly demeanor, his beautiful voice, for many roles from Shaw to Mamma Mia to Broadway, and for his willingness to pull on some fishnets, both in the Christmas Panto, and in his Dora winning turn in The Rocky Horror Show. He is a lovely man, a magnet for many complimentary adjectives, but when I went to write about him I realized that I didn’t know that much about him. So I subjected him to a 26-point questionnaire, and even though he is in the middle of a directing gig (his first? I think so!) he graciously obliged forthwith. What follows are my questions and his answers:

1. What’s your middle name? Answer: Mathew (one T because my father can’t spell)
2. What’s your porn name? Answer: Fred Pennock
3. Least favourite food? Answer: Cucumber
4. What is a surefire way to make you barf? Answer: Listen to the CATS soundtrack.
5. Favourite part you’ve ever played. Answer: Carnivia Von Botox
6. Canadian theatre hero(ine). Answer: Ed Mirvish
7. Favourite movie last year. Answer: Dark Knight
8. Most embarrassing situation in which you have fallen asleep. Answer: Airplane toilet

* Author’s note: I find his response to this question intriguing. And a little alarming. Anyone else?

9. If you could add anything to your Dora acceptance speech, what would it be? Answer: …and to all my teachers in theatre school I’d like to say “go fuck yourself”

* Author’s note: This response is bracing, no? Admirable. 50% chance he is being saucy, of course. One would have to ask him in person and search his face for irony.

10. Except for blue, (because almost everyone answers blue!) what is your favourite colour? Answer: Red

11. Whose hair do you covet? Answer: Andrew Kushnir….seriously, that’s versatile hair.

* Author’s note: Andrew Kushnir is my partner and I can vouch for the hair. It is delightful.

12. If you had to lose a finger, which one would you choose? Answer: This one.
13. Favourite place to visit? Answer: I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to you.
14. What do you do when you’re on a plane? Answer: Fly…or fall asleep on the can.
15. Strangest place you have had sex. Answer: Playground of a church. It was sacrilegious.
16. Do you read poetry? If so, whose? Answer: Does Dr. Seuss count?

* Author’s note: Yes, he does. He is definitely a poet. People who don’t like Dr. Seuss are Nazis.

17. Favourite fiction book. Answer: A million little pieces. (get it?…fiction….nothin’ eh?)
18. Guilty pleasure (music). Answer: Michael Jackson
19. What’s your least favourite thing about mini donuts. Answer: The calories (although Tiny Tom uses trans fat free oil)
20. What (if anything) would you like to change about yourself? Answer: I have no will power.
21. Who has the best eyes in cinema? Answer: Jennifer Connelly
22. Where would you like to be in 5 years? Answer: On top of Jennifer Connelly
23. Where, aside from Toronto, would you like to live? Answer: Chicago
24. Favourite musical theatre song. Answer: Act one finale to “Sunday in the park with George“.
25. Number of times you have seen “Titanic“. Answer: 1/2 a time

* Author’s note: This is a shame.
26. How do you sign off on your emails? (I use “Much love”) Save the Whales….collect the set.

What have I learned from my little questionnaire? Well, for one thing – Adam Brazier is, in addition to being a great talent, a great sport.

And he is sneaky funny. You will miss his performance at your peril.

The End.

Come see Adam Brazier perform live at: SING OUT, LOUISE!:

Monday, March 9th, 8pm. $25.00. Buddies in Bad Times.
416 975-8555

Toronto’s Biggest Theatre Stars.