September 19, 2024

If I were in Halifax right now I would run- not walk but run- to the North Street Church to go see Luna/Sea Theatre Company’s production of Morris Panych’s play Girl in the Goldfish Bowl. I would rush to review the show and I would hope to score interviews with the amazing women who co-founded this company and the artists who have created this piece of theatre for Nova Scotian audiences. Luna/ Sea is a professional company whose mandate is to tell women’s stories and create work for the many talented professionals in the region. This is so vitally important for Nova Scotia- our province has the talented artists, what it needs is YOU, the audience member, to stand in support of them and their independent ventures. It is these independent theatre companies, and experiments, and leaps of faith that- if nurtured and patronized- will grow into a series of indigenous theatres and companies that all work together to create Halifax’s indigenous theatre community. We don’t have one unique vision as a city, and no one theatre should monopolize it. Someday, I dream of having a Haligonian theatre “district.” Luna/Sea is one step closer to this dream being realized.
If you’re in Halifax, I urge you to support this theatre company and all independent, local theatre companies. Send a strong message that there is an audience for the arts in Halifax- an audience that is exuberant about the future and who demands to be seen and heard in droves. Don’t let theatre fall by the wayside. It is as vital, relevant and native to our city and its people as the ocean. The first known dramatization by Europeans on this continent was performed in the ocean off the coast of our province, after all. Theatre is our legacy. Let’s grab it and own it. Let’s bring it home.
Girl in the Goldfish Bowl is directed by the brilliant Martha Irving and stars Mauralea Austin, John Beale, Kathryn MacLellan, Graham Percy and Sherry Smith. It plays tonight (Friday, November 28, 2008) at 8pm, Saturday at 2pm and 8pm and Sunday at 2pm and 8pm. Make your reservations at 902 868-1186. Tickets are $20.00 and $15.00 for students and seniors.

One audience member said of the show: “Shows like this are the reason I love theatre.” Rekindle your love now! Run to North Street Church!