September 20, 2024
tinker bell

Well, my friends, the holidays are swiftly hurtling toward us crammed with gooey gingerbread, simmering hot cocoa with marshmallows and as much good cheer you can cram into a mall filled with Christmas music and Starbucks Red Cups. So, to celebrate, TWISI is doing a very special Holidays feature- and giving you all the opportunity to promote your various projects as well as to spread some good cheer across the country!
Here is the idea: I am going to be making The 2009 Canadian Theatre Community Definitive Holiday Music Playlist- so I am asking you all to do something very quick and easy to help me out.
Please send me via Facebook or the title of a Holiday song (Christmas, Hanukah, Secular, Pop, Classic, Comedy, whatever!) that has special significance to you. It doesn’t have to be your FAVOURITE. You don’t have to deliberate over it for a long time- just a special Holiday-inspired song you like. If you have a particular version of the song you like, you can add that as well. And that is all you have to do!
– If you would like- you can write a sentence about WHY you chose this song or this rendition- but you don’t have to!
– AND (I think this is a good idea, but again, it’s up to you) if you have a show that you’re in between now and early January 2010, especially if it is holiday themed, or if you’re doing a one-night event- like an improvised It’s A Wonderful Life- or a Holiday Oh Susanna! Or a Christmas Concert- you can add that information too and I will put it on the blog.
I’d like to have the song titles by December 16th. I will compile them into a list of all the songs chosen- the name of the theatre artist who chose it and any other information they choose to provide me with. I’ll aim to post it on December 17th. Then TWISI readers can download the songs you’ve suggested at their leisure and the TWISI hardcores can make Definitive Canadian Theatre Community Holiday Music Playlists for their Holiday parties and jam sessions!
Ideally, I would love to have contributions from theatre artists across the country!! Let’s see what we come up with!