September 20, 2024

jenny_headshot_gary_bremner_photographer-1Klondyke: Standup Straight From the Yukon, is a standup show by Yukon native Jenny Hamilton, that plays at the Tarragon Mainspace as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival.

Hamilton is a captivating storyteller and the stories that she chooses to tell are either so specific to the Yukon, that they are fascinating in how unbelievable they seem to the urban Torontonian, or so joyfully familiar because they capture part of what binds so many Canadians together across this great, vast land, such as fucking with bigots and making fun of “Mericans” (our neighbours to the South of the Tea Party variety who visit the Yukon via Alaska and are confused by its Canadian currency, their inability to tote guns around, and its plethora of “Mexicans”).

From sonic poops, to roadkill, masturbation and bear repellent, Hamilton really knows how to make gross things, things many people don’t discuss in public and strong opinions about children, genuinely funny and endearing at the same time.

I will fully admit to my ignorance of the Yukon, and Hamilton’s depiction of it raises it beyond stereotype and makes it sound like an awesomely absurd place to visit, and a little bit magical in its strangeness. One glaring omission from Hamilton’s set is a clear ending with comic punch. Yet, in all I found Hamilton likeable and Klondyke: Straight From the Yukon an entertaining set of storytelling and comedy.



Klondyke: Standup Straight from the Yukon plays at the Tarragon Theatre Mainspace (30 Bridgman Avenue) as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival at the following times:

show times
July 11 at 09:45 PM  buy tickets
July 12 at 02:15 PM  buy tickets