September 20, 2024

forest_jumpRandom Acts of Dance’s Kojira brings three contemporary dance pieces to the Randolph Theatre as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival.

The first is mystical and conjures images of the forest and wood nymphs or faeries climbing trees in a thunderstorm, the second is more psychological, like a Madmen-era housewife being taken to her breaking point, and the third is the most energetic and is captivating largely by the in-tandem movements of the ensemble of dancers.

Kojira is, at times, slow, and at times very quiet. It explores both dance’s ability to explore large movements and large imagery, such as a faery climbing a tree, but also the tiny movements, and the still moments of our lives. The dancers have such vivid focus, such intense control of their bodies and they are entirely present in the moment, and the show requires the same presence from its audience, which can be a challenge for people who are used to being over-stimulated by distractions and technology. It’s a beautiful piece that doesn’t explain itself and allows for the audience to interpret either as they watch, or to ponder the dances in more depth once they’ve left the theatre.

If you enjoy Contemporary Dance, or have never seen Contemporary Dance, Kojira is skillfully  choreographed and executed.



Kojira plays at the Randolph Theatre (736 Bathurst Street) as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival at the following times:

show times
July 11 at 05:45 PM  buy tickets
July 12 at 05:15 PM  buy tickets