September 20, 2024

lloyd ravn

lloyd ravn

photo by keith hawkins photography

Lloyd Ravn’s Funny Daddy is a half stand up half storytelling set that examines how laughter is often used in the face of the most terrifying or dire circumstances. Ravn mixes funny stories from parenthood and jokes he learned in his childhood from his Dad with heartrending stories about confronting death and the challenges and the anxiety associated with having a seriously ill child.

Ravn is affable and self deprecating, with a strong delivery of his material and he made a palpable connection with his audience, which created the right atmosphere for him to be able to oscillate between lighthearted jokes and more serious reflections about his own life and experiences.

Hailing from Sussex, New Brunswick and the Bay of Funny Comedy Circuit, Ravn is a comic who I would recommend seeking out!

TWISI Rating: 3 and a half stars

Funny Daddy at the Atlantic Fringe Festival has closed.

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