September 19, 2024


photo by mel hattie

From Studio in Essence comes an acrobatic show called Urban Chameleon, which uses acrobatic circus, two stainless steel poles, an aerial hoop and acro yoga dance to explore the nature and the movements of a variety of wild animals.

There is much that I loved about this show. Using bright lights, costumes and makeup, the performers beautifully embody the physicality of each animal and each of the female performers are beautifully graceful, strong, proficient and impressive in the ways that they move, flip, climb and dance through hoops and around poles. They are also extremely engaging to watch with their warm eyes and bright faces, capturing the emotions of the animals that they are embodying in a variety of different, specific circumstances.

The one thing that I would have loved to see is a firmer sense of a narrative- not necessarily a linear one- but more interactions between the animals and with stronger motivations that lead to each movement so that it becomes about telling a story as well as simply showcasing the animals.

In all, Urban Chameleon is a physically inspiring, strong and visually stunning show that enraptured its afternoon audience on the last day of the Atlantic Fringe Festival this year.

TWISI Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Urban Chameleon played at the Neptune Studio Theatre as part of the Atlantic Fringe Festival and is now closed. 

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