September 19, 2024

aloneWhat a delight to see Sherry Lee Hunter on stage in Kazan Co-op’s production of her one woman play Alone. Set on an island as part of a Vision Quest, Sherry Lee is on a journey toward peace, enlightenment and self reflection. What emerges is an exploration of addiction and memory, and how the two can be irrevocably linked. I loved the Peter Pan moment from her childhood, where Hunter transformed suddenly into the little girl version of herself as she attempted to wish herself into flying. I would love to see more moments where present day Sherry Lee morphs into her past self to show us life with her parents and the ways that their behaviour begins to chip away at her sense of self and her belief in magic.

Hunter’s physical theatre and mime is joyous and fascinating to watch and it flawlessly roots Sherry Lee in her very specific surroundings. There were a few times when the miming wasn’t fully integrated into driving the story forward, but I was so fully captivated that I didn’t mind the detour.

In all, Alone is a poignant, funny and beautifully theatrical story that reminds us that Sherry Lee Hunter has been a much missed presence on the Nova Scotian stage. Now that she’s back, I hope she’s back for much, much more.

TWISI Rating: 4 and a half stars

Alone plays at the Museum of Natural History (1747 Summer Street) at the following times:

Saturday September 7 at 7:15pm

Tickets are $10.00 and are available in advance online at this website or 30 minutes before each show at the venue on the day of the performance. All tickets bought in person must be purchased with either cash or credit. For more information please visit this website or call 902.422.7604 between 10:00am and 5:00pm. 

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