September 20, 2024


brian aylward

Brian Aylward does a stand-up show, 39, at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia as part of the Atlantic Fringe Festival that proves that comedy doesn’t always have to set up the wittiest punch line or attempt to shock or offend its audience for kicks; sometimes a series of bizarre stories well told are even more entertaining.

Self-effacing and confessional Aylward takes us from his getting fired from a job at a gas station to teaching kindergarteners in South Korea and embarking on drug-infused adventures throughout Southeast Asia. I was genuinely hooked into his stories and continually surprised by their odd twists.

If you are interested in stand-up comedy in Halifax I would suggest checking out this show, Aylward is certainly likeable with a warm rapport with audience members, which is somewhat rare for stand-up, and I expect to hear more about him on the scene in the future.


3 and a half stars

39 plays at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (1723 Hollis Street) at the following times:

Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 4th ( 6:30pm ) 
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 5th ( 7:20pm ) 
Friday, SEPTEMBER 6th ( 8:50pm )
Saturday, SEPTEMBER 7th ( 1:45pm )
Sunday, SEPTEMBER 8th ( 8pm )

Tickets are $10.00 and are available in advance online at this website or 30 minutes before each show at the venue on the day of the performance. All tickets bought in person must be purchased with either cash or credit. For more information please visit this website or call 902.422.7604 between 10:00am and 5:00pm.