September 20, 2024

kate nankervis

Only Place by dancer and choreographer Kate Nankervis and Katheros in Motion from Toronto is a mesmerizing and vibrant show playing as part of the Atlantic Fringe Festival.

In a room there is one woman, a chair, a desk, a lamp and a wide collection of love letters and we are taken on a passionate ride through her inner-most thoughts, emotions and experiences. Nankervis makes astonishing use of the space, her set pieces and her body throughout this piece, taking us into intimate crevices and rolling throughout the space or throwing herself against the wall, often appearing as though she were a rag doll.

There is so much that is fascinating crammed into this forty-five minute show and so many moments that evoke a dream-like quality and also memories from childhood, such as sleeping under the desk or bouncing up and down as though in an Earthquake while sitting on a desk. Nankervis’ extremely specific and brisk movements, as well as how effortless she moves from more modern-style dance to more club-style dance and back again keeps the audience engaged and in the palm of her hand.

One of the most visually stunning moments surround the fluttering loose of the letters and Nankervis’ intense rifling through in search of a specific one. There is also a fantastic use of light, and the lamp and moments where so much is crammed onto the desk that one almost fears for Nankervis’ safety. This toying with danger and the sense of intensely high stakes throughout make this piece a captivating and riveting experience.


Only Place plays at the Bus Stop Theatre (2203 Gottingen Street) at the following times:

Saturday September 8th at 2:40pm

Sunday September 9th at 4:40pm and 9:30pm

It is $10.00; to book tickets please visit this website or call (902) 999-7469 or visit the Box Office at the Seaport Farmers’ Market at Pavilion 20 on Marginal Road. Tickets are also available at the venue A HALF HOUR before the show. Happy Fringe!