September 20, 2024

Jeff Madden’s website characterizes him as a “rising star of the Toronto theatre scene.” The way I see it, he’s risen pretty damn close to the top! Currently starring as Frankie Valli in the DanCap production of The Jersey Boys (the smash-hit-Canadian cast sensation extended to June 28th, 2009), Madden previously performed at the Shaw Festival for eight consecutive seasons. His CD Taking the Wheel was released in 2007, and it is absolutely gorgeous. You can listen to bits of it for free on his website (while you browse through fun photos and read his blog!)- you should check it out (bet you’ll listen to “Tears in Heaven” over and over again!). I’m going to be getting my hands on it STAT, as they say… and then I’ll blog about it more!
If you want to hear his gorgeous voice in person, you’re in luck, beyond Jersey Boys he is also going to be singing two songs at Acting Up Stage’s The Sound of Silence. Monday, April 20th, 2009. 8pm. And I feel very fortunate to be able to present to you a blog written by superstar Jeff Madden about an experience that he once had in New York City.

Boy Alone in New York
By Jeff Madden

I felt like the ‘Only Living Boy in New York’ last fall, when I was auditioning for Jersey Boys. I had auditioned in Toronto a couple of times and it had gone well, but when they offered to fly me down to New York ASAP I knew they were serious.
I had been to New York a couple of times previously, but had always gone with someone, crashing on friend’s couches. But, this time was different.
Going to the airport solo, flying solo, and taking a cab to a hotel solo. Spending the night by myself, getting ready in the morning by myself, and just strolling the avenues biding my time all by myself. With my iPod supplying the tunes, I let the music just propel me around the town, without a plan (other than getting to my audition on time!)
I think you can hear those things in Simon and Garfunkel’s song. The acceptance of being on your own, with not a care in the world, just enjoying taking a stroll through that beautiful city.
That’s what I’ll be thinking about when I sing that song Monday night. The last trip to New York. In fact, I’m trying to lead my life more like that, each and every day. Loving life, right now, in this moment.

Come hear Jeff Madden sing Paul Simon!!
Acting UpStage’s The SOUND OF SILENCE: Thom Allison, Sara Farb, Steven Gallagher, Susan Henley, Andrew Kushnir, Amanda LeBlanc, Jeff Madden, Eliza-Jane Scott, Michael Therriault, Blythe Wilson. Arrangements and Musical Direction by Reza Jacobs.
So get on that bus, Gus! No need to be coy, Roy! 10 Canadian Musical theatre legends. One Night Only. April 20th, 2009. 8pm.
Get to the theatre, Peter