September 20, 2024

Actor-Singer-Songwriter Amanda LeBlanc is our special guest on the blog today! She has performed in theatres from Neptune in Halifax to the Citadel in Edmonton, and on April 20th she is going to be one of ten musical superstars to perform in Acting Up Stage’s The Sound of Silence at the Bathurst Street Theatre. I asked Amanda what the city or town where her heart lies is and why. Here is what she said: (and check out her MySpace to listen to her beautiful song “Man in the Moon”!!)

The Best of Both Worlds

By Amanda LeBlanc

Where does my heart lie and why?Well, that’s an easy question to answer- home. And home is where the heart is, isn’t it? My heart beats most readily by the ocean, where the water meets the shore, and so lies on the coast of Nova Scotia- be it on the Eastern Shore, or in Belle Cote, Margaree (where my roots stem from). The ocean gives me perspective and connects me with who am at the core. I have grown to love Toronto, but it took some time that was ridden with doubt, and visiting home during that time got me through. I couldn’t be happier to live here now, and to be headed East for the summer…. I’ve now got the best of both worlds.So come hear some kick ass renditions of incredible Paul Simon tunes before I take off! It’s going to be an awesome night.

Acting UpStage’s The SOUND OF SILENCE: Thom Allison, Sara Farb, Steven Gallagher, Susan Henley, Andrew Kushnir, Amanda LeBlanc, Jeff Madden, Eliza-Jane Scott, Michael Therriault, Blythe Wilson. Arrangements and Musical Direction by Reza Jacobs.
So get on that bus, Gus! No need to be coy, Roy! 10 Canadian Musical theatre legends. One Night Only. April 20th, 2009. 8pm.
Get to the theatre, Peter!